
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shopping Lists

Last week I spoke about the "Three Way" rule. The idea that when shopping and considering buying a new item, you need to think of three ways you can wear that new piece of clothing.

Today we are going to chat about Wardrobe Planning. The idea being, that after a proper Wardrobe Audit, you make a list of all of the items you need to complete your wardrobe and make complete outfits. Keep that list with you when you go shopping to help keep you on track and prevent impulse purchases.

Some more tips to save your shopping sanity (and some money too)!

1) Don't buy anything you can't already wear with at least three items already in your wardrobe.
2) If you don't LOVE it, don't buy it.
3) If it's at all uncomfortable...skip it. Think about it...if it is already pulling, itching, or too tight, imagine wearing it for hours at a time?!

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