
Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Fashion fades, only Style remains the same" - Coco Chanel

Contrary to popular belief, Style has nothing to do with Fashion. Nor is it something reserved for the thin, famous, or wealthy…or something you are born with. Sure, it does come easier for some, but it is a skill that can be taught if you are willing to learn.

Here, the Practical Fashionista’s top three tips to get you on the road to always looking your best and discovering your personal style…

1) Get to know your body shape so you can dress accordingly. In other words, learn how to amplify your assets while downplaying the parts you aren’t so fond of.
2) Go through your closet and get rid of anything that no longer fits, is outdated, or doesn’t make you feel GREAT when you wear it.
3) When shopping, be brutally honest about whether the item you are thinking of buying will fit in with the rest of your wardrobe, matches your style personality, and flatters your body type and shape. If not, skip it.

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