
Thursday, March 18, 2010

"I wish I was a little bit taller..."

A few style tips for all of the guys out there wanting to look just a little bit taller...

1) This is a popular trick, but that's because it works...Vertical Stripes. Whether it's a striped shirt, pin striped suit, or herringbone pants...they all give the illusion of height. Just don't do them all at once. You won't look taller, just crazy.
2) Wearing clothes in the same same shades and tones of one colour. IE. instead of wearing a white top with black pants (which breaks your body into parts, go for a charcoal grey top with slate grey pants and your body becomes one long and lean line).
3) Make sure your clothes are somewhat fitted (this does not mean skin tight), but the more fitted your clothes are (as opposed to baggy) will always add height.

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